

The Sovereign Self

It is difficult to describe with words what is happening at Ytre Sogn and the Nordic School of Shamanism. The essence of what is happening can perhaps not be described with words, anyway. But with shamanic tools, wisdom and profound warmth for everyone does Simon guide his small groups into deep connection with each other and with our personal spirits. The work is so powerful and the effects are significant.

After coming home I notice it feels like time has slowed down and I feel that I can be me, may be for the first time in this life. I also feel I don´t have to seek love from anyone else, I have a well of it inside me, at least a small well. And I love the large list of the shamanic tools I now can draw from whenever needed in my daily life.

I will also mention Simon´s partner, Marie, who warmly welcomes us all into their special home, she cooks all the delicious meals, vegetarian or with fresh wild fish from the fjord. Marie is an important part of the whole for me, and I believe for everyone.

I participated in the Sovereign Self workshop and earlier I´ve been to the Birthing of the Sacred Drum. I will for sure go again, it´s too genuine and good not to. I thought I had enough tools as a Gestalt therapist and yoga- and mindfulness teacher and practitioner, but to me this is more direct and straight to what is needed, and more natural. I am so grateful.

Inger Johannessen (Oslo)

Birthing the Shaman’s Drum

‘You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life if we allow the unexpected to happen’ Paulo Coelho.

Yes, I took a risk. A half risk if you like and signed up to the course, ‘Birthing the Shamans drum’ – June 2023 not having the chance of thinking through in depth the reasons why.  May and June are busy months at the school which need most of my attention and so it was with the blink of an eye that I arrived at Simon’s and Marie’s beautiful and tranquil farm located on the shores of Sognefjord. It is a place where one can feel instantly welcomed, safe and relaxed, a ‘home from home‘ if you like. Over the next four days our group which numbered four souls were gathered together with the sprits to forge a friendship of laugher, tears, respect, kindness, reflection, appreciation and acceptance of the experiences we all shared together at the end of each day. Simon’s insight blended with his unique sense of humour is with us each step of the way.

As always our journey and experiences were carefully navigated and watched over by Simon. His in depth knowledge, infinite wisdom, respect and love gently guiding us through the different phases of the days challenges and activities. When we sought guidance he was there just as he would leave us be as we created spiritual relationships with the materials and tools birthing our drums. As when a child is born we discover much about ourselves. The same can be said of making by hand your own spirit drum from natures gifts. My own drum Eagle Wind is a reminder and thanks to Simon of the unseen gift we have in ourselves and others. Where Eagle Wind guides me is a mystery to unfold however it does remind me that if I continue to allow myself unexpected things to happen then miracles will happen as they did in Sognefjord.

Nick O’Donoghue, Teacher (Norway)

Practitioner Training

After a start on my inward path at a very early age, I have experienced many different methods, teachers and ways of working with spirit. Now at the age of 50, I have been introduced to what I now feel is the most direct way of working with Spirit. This method is Shamanism and is being taught to me by a master of its intricacies named Simon Chamberlain. Not only does Simon make the methods clear and have a powerful grasp of the energy, but also a deep understanding of his students. He has given me an indescribable perspective on working with the living Spirit. I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity and would truly recommend it to whom ever takes their exploration into the infinite Spirit seriously.

Dr Jason Shields, BA, DC (USA and Norway)

Healing Service

From inner crisis to inner calm, I experienced a profound transformation through Simon’s work that left me feeling clear, peaceful and strengthened, with tools that will remain with me for life. I’m deeply grateful to have been recommended to Simon, and for the healing container he created with loving presence which allowed me to feel completely safe and held as the profound work unfolded. The shift in my energy within has rippled out into my outer world, and life is now blooming beautifully. Thank you Simon!

A.L. Author and Artist (USA)

Healing Service

Working with Simon is like opening a door unto one’s deep soul recesses, and finding anew the soothing waters and empowering paths pointed by the truth-Sayer. Thru his deep listening of Spirit and Soul, Simon’s way is clear, thorough, compassionate and powerfully healing. His joyous and trustworthy presence is a token of a secure and authentic foundation for his work. Thank you, Simon!

Rosine Fiévet, Astrologer and shamanic practitioner (France)

The Spirit’s Journey

Simon shares sorely needed, ancient knowledge that is lost to most of the world. As he shares, he holds space for the group and individual beautifully. To ‘hold space’ for someone, an individual or a group, is an art and a science. This ability is necessary if you want to assist someone in evoking deep change or discovery in themselves.

To hold space requires an understanding and a complete acceptance that only comes from deep experience, knowledge, wisdom, and the most important, an open heart. Simon has this, and it is rare to come by.

Siv Jøssang Shields, BA, MS, DC (Norway)

Birthing the Shaman’s Drum

I went to Sogn to make my own skin drum, but I received so much more than that in finding a teacher who is down to earth, humble, inspiring, loving and wise. I re-discovered a sacred connection to Nature under his guidance and in his gentle tutelage, got a glimpse of what it takes to become a real healer. I have attended other shamanic practices and courses but none of them can compare to what Simon taught me during the 6 days. He calls the course “Birthing the Shaman’s Drum” and this title aptly describes the journey I went on to bring my drum into being. He created a container in which each person on the course felt not only completely held, but also totally seen. It was the most incredible experience to be seen like that.

If you are someone who is interested in doing some authentic work of the heart and the soul, then I cannot recommend this enough! I will be going back a few more times this year and I will certainly be recommending Simon as a teacher to the people who are interested in this work. You will not find anyone better in my opinion.

I write this testimonial gladly and I hope the person reading this has an idea of what I feel in my heart. Thank you Simon.

Vivian Choi Johansen
Yoga Teacher (Norway)

Birthing the Shaman’s Drum

The Birthing of my Drum with Simon was a heartfelt and wonderful experience. My drum skin was from a horse that had reached the end of her physical life. Horse has been an important power animal of mine from a young child when my sister and I used to ride our ‘imaginary’ horses in the fields behind our house. My skin leapt with spirit when it arrived, it was thick and tough to work with, which made complete sense to me and we needed to battle a little before we settled into each other’s company.

Simon is an excellent teacher, he gives practical support when needed but respectively leaves you to work alone too, as the work can be an emotional one-to-one process and contemplation is required. Each element, the wood the beater the string you use has deep meaning and working with them connects you to them, from heartbeat to drumbeat, you learn to be one through this beautiful process.

During the birthing of my drum I realised that the Spirit of Horse was as important as the spirit of my drum. I was guided with precision, love and care during the process of my drum coming to be in this world. With such loving kindness it enabled me to melt into and join the spirits as they came to life, merging into one. A wonderful experience.

I treat my drum with uppermost respect, take it with me on special occasions and use it for certain ceremonies that require the movement of the herd to join with the heartbeat of the drum. I joyfully recommend this course, you do not just leave with a drum, you leave with a close ally, a friend and companion to work alongside.

Dr. Joanna Gore
Artist and Shamanic Practitioner

In the Arms of Mother Darkness

Attending Simon’s dark retreat was a wonderful experience. The darkness was an aid to meditation, as I was naturally drawn inwards and felt a deep inner silence. It was also an interesting experience to have to do everything slowly. Without being able to see, I experienced that I became more sensitive and present in everything I did. Walking in darkness increases sensitivity. I also experienced a clearer distinction between what the mind creates and what is actual, as the mind always creates a lot images and thoughts, a distinction that is not always clear for us in daily life. 

The retreat was well planned and organized. I felt that the retreat had a rich variety of inner exercises and reflections. When in a darkness retreat you need help with certain practical things, such as going for a walk outside and preparing a meal, and I always felt very well taken care of.

Henrik Mathisen
Teacher and Practitioner of Five Element Acupuncture

In the Arms of Mother Darkness

When I found out about this course, I felt pulled towards it and curious about what it meant. I was also a place in life where changes had to be made, so then I thought it might burst or fix. It also sounded a little scary and terrifying to hear the word “darkness”. Now I would say the opposite.

During the course, I felt very safe. Simon is incredibly good at what he does, you can feel very safe from that. There were also two other helpers who made sure everything went well. When I felt fear, became anxious or just needed someone there, it was incredibly good to have them around. You also feel very safe in the arms of Mother of Darkness.

I found opportunities to meet myself, my soul, as well as other beings. I entered a completely different world where everything appeared completely different – landscape, house, rooms, everything. This was absolutely fascinating!

I had been worried about how it would go being in darkness for so long. There were times when it was a bit tiring, but I quickly found out how to deal with it. There were many good tasks and ceremonies every day and this turned out to be an unimaginably powerful experience that I really would not want to be without. I came home as a new human being where sight and smell were sharpened, and I was very much more present and found an incredibly good peace of mind and body.

Moon Eagle
Mother and Farmer

Staying at The School

I keep on coming back, not just because my soul tells me to. Coming to Marie & Simon is like coming home, and it felt like that from the beginning. Home cooking, cosy rooms, and very good facilities for the work. Simon always seem to be blessed with safe groups with integrity and compassion for each other. And the nature is an extraordinary, beautiful and an important part of it/ us all.

Inger Johannessen (Oslo)