Shamanic Training

Depossession and Helping Lost Souls


13 November to 17 November 2024


Ytre Sogn, Norway – next to the beautiful Sognefjord. Get here by car or by bus.


8000 Norwegian kroner – fully residential.

Included in the price:

Tuition, accommodation and all meals.


The course requires fairly good skills in shamanic journey work and so applicants must have some experience in these. Students will be working deeply with their spirit allies and so should have formed solid relationships with them before attending.

There may also be some preparation work to do “at home”, so please ensure your application is made in good time to give you at least a few days before the start date.

The course includes:

Conductor of Souls

Shamans understand that everything has a home and that when the body dies, the soul moves away from it. Ideally, the soul will then transcend and find its way home. But sometimes a soul does not transcend, for example if it is lost in what is often known as the Middle World.

In a practice known as psychopomp, you learn how to meet such lost souls and, in partnership with loving, compassionate, wise spirit guides, help them transcend. This part of the course can easily form a good introduction to the wider shamanic view and handling of death and dying. For many practitioners, it is a very beautiful and rewarding experience to have a role in helping souls that need to find a way home.


Sometimes, instead of going home or to the place it belongs, a soul can attach to a living person. This is sometimes talked about as a possession, but that word has become a problem in our modern culture as it is so often misunderstood. Stories that present scary pictures are common and part of the aim of this module is to de-mystify the concept so that it can become easier to work with.

You will learn how spirit attachments can occur, how to identify them and how to safely deal with them. The methods and procedures learnt and used ensure safe passage for spirits that are attached and also free the person who had the attachment from effects. Typically, an attachment can reduce energy and personal power of the person affected. This is a win-win compassionate body of work, because the both the affected person and the attaching spirit are helped. Upon resolution, more balance and harmony can be restored.